Any claims for damages or discrepancies must be submitted to within three weeks from delivery date of your order. You must notify Customer Service by email or phone.
You may return any unopened merchandise in its original condition, including original packaging and packing slip within 30 days of receipt and you will receive a full refund less shipping and any gift wrapping charges.
Any shipping cost you incur to return the product to us will not be refunded.
Shipping cost is non-refundable for undelivered, unclaimed or returned packages, unless we made an error.
We do not offer refunds or exchanges on Skincare, Haircare, or Makeup items due to health reasons.
To return an item to our company, please obtain an RMA number from a shipping carrier (see below), and please return the merchandise and include the following information:
RMA NumberAll returns must be shipped back to Perfumeland using a trackable courier. (UPS, FedEx, USPS)
Any package that has not been received by Perfumeland and tracking information cannot be provided, will be the sole responsibility of the shipper.
Please allow up to 14 business days to process your return or exchange.
Send your returns to:
Perfumeland of Orlando
5216A Vanguard St
Orlando, FL 32819
For more support please call us at 407-248-9595